Free quilt pattern: Fields of Green

March 21, 2023


Interested in a quilting challenge? We’ve got the perfect quilt for you! Improvisational quilting can look intimidating. Often, quilters are intimidated by this type of quilt because it can be difficult to determine where to start. This pattern – Fields of Green – makes it easy. It has a scrappy improvisational look, but it’s pieced in a structured way. (You get the best of both worlds!)
Hot tip: this pattern is the perfect St. Patrick’s Day quilt!

Quilt pattern dimensions

  • Finished quilt: 60 ½” x 69 ½”

Fields of green full quilting pattern image

Quilting and finishing tips

  • Layer the quilt top batting, backing; and quilt!
  • Use the green 2 ½”-wide strips to make double-fold binding; attach the binding to the edges of the quilt.

Fields of green quilt on display in a room

Fields of Green was designed, pieced and quilted by Kate Henderson. She free-motion quilted branches and leaves across the quilt top, fitting motifs for an all-green quilt.

Need some inspiration for other quilt designs? Other great options for this type of pattern would be a Hooked Feather or Orchid Blossom filler.

If you use the Fields of Green pattern, please share pictures with us on our APQS Instagram or Facebook pages. Happy quilting!

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