Free quilt pattern: Spin

December 20, 2022


Looking for a quilting pattern to use for a holiday themed quilt and much, much more? Spin is a clever twist on a simple block design that pairs perfectly with any color scheme. You can spice things up with brighter prints or use a solid color in place of one of the prints in each block for extra pop!

Hot tip: this pattern is also fabulous for quilters who are looking to whittle down their fabric stash.

Full image of Spin quilt pattern

Quilt pattern dimensions

  • Finished quilt: 66 ½” × 66 ½”
  • Finished block: 12″ × 12″

Image of Spin quilt folded in a home

Quilting and finishing tips

  • Trim the salvages from the backing fabric and cut the backing into two pieces, approximately 42″ × 74″ each. Join the backing pieces, press, and then trim to approximately 74″ square for a backing with a vertical seam.
  • Layer the quilt top with batting and backing. Baste and quilt as desired.
  • Bind the edges with the blue 2½”-wide strips. Add a label to your quilt, if desired.

Detailed image of Spin quilt pinwheels

The quilt shown is quilted with an overlapping circle pattern that is reminiscent of Spirograph designs and is perfect for this updated Pinwheel quilt.

Need some inspiration for other quilt designs? Other great options for this type of pattern would be a Daisy Love or Lucky Charms filler.

Spin was pieced by Peta Peace and quilted by Diane Farrugia. If you use the Spin pattern, please share pictures with us on our APQS Instagram or Facebook pages. Happy quilting!

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