The benefits of adding a hydraulic lift/automatic quilt advance

October 10, 2023

Is a hydraulic lift or automatic quilt advance for your longarm on your wish list? If not, let me tell you why you should consider them! It all comes down to ergonomics and efficiency – we all want to be able to quilt longer and feel comfortable while doing it.

Hydraulic lift

A hydraulic lift raises and lowers the longarm table up to 9” at the mere push of a button. Talk about flexibility!

If multiple people use or will be using your longarm, then the obvious reason to get a lift is that you can adjust the height of the machine to the height of the user. But even if you’re the only person who uses the machine, there are many situations where having a hydraulic lift simply makes life easier:

  • Putting the machine and table at your preferred height enables you to have good posture as well as good visibility. But the preferred height can change when you wear shoes with different heel heights, or when you’re quilting from the back of the machine vs. the front of the machine. Changing just 1” can make a big difference. When you change the height of the machine, you use your muscles differently and you can quilt longer and more comfortably.
  • If you have a Quilt Path, you can easily position your tablet at a comfortable height.
  • You can raise the table to easily check stitch tension underneath or reach the bobbin area.
  • You can lower the table, so you don’t have to reach so far when loading the quilt, or when you’re trying to unpick threads or bury ties at the far end of the quilt.
  • You can adjust the table to accommodate an adjustable seat, like a saddle stool or drafting chair. I love my chair – it allows me to sit when I’m doing very detailed quilting in an area vs. standing in one place.
  • You can put your table at an ergonomic height and use it for other purposes, like pinning on zippers (for loading the quilt), trimming quilts (use rotary cutter mats) or pressing backs (use polystyrene boards to protect the plastic and pressing mats). The right height for quilting is often not the right ergonomic height for using the table – hydraulic lift to the rescue!

Having your table and machine at the right height can make a huge difference for your comfort and staying power.

Automatic quilt advance

Another accessory that really helps save wear and tear on your body is the automatic quilt advance.

With the touch of the foot pedal, the pickup roller will go forward or reverse, helping you advance or unroll your quilt. The alternative is to stand at the side of the machine and rotate the rollers, using your shoulder muscles. The automatic quilt advance is also faster, and if you have a Quilt Path, you are closer to the quilt so have better visibility when advancing the quilt and stopping at the right spot.

APQS has an unbeatable lifetime warranty – so take advantage of these great accessories so you can keep quilting for years to come.

If you have an existing machine and want to upgrade, contact your dealer. If you’re thinking about a new machine, remember that you’ll need a Deluxe Table – standard for Millie and Freddie and an option for Lucey. Here’s to healthy quilting!
